Spectra Reverse Pocket

Spectrum Reverse pocket (SRP) filters are pre-filters in reverse air flow direction. The SRP pocket filters serve as efficient pre or final filters in HVAC, AHU, Commercial buildings, air intake systems of Gas turbine. The application area where space is the constrain for normal pocket construction, the SRP filters can be employed to achieve the full utilization of filter media. The SRP filters do significantly prolong the filter lifetime of the final filter and increase their operational safety.

  • Self-supporting
  • leak-free welded pockets
  • Aerodynamic wedge-shape
  • tubular pocket spacers – minimum flow resistance and maximum dust holding
  • Injection moulded impact proof PU header
EN779 ASHRAE 52.2 ISO 16890 Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Initial Pressure Drop (Pa) Air Flow (m3/hr) No of Pockets
G4 MERV 8 ISO Coarse 75% 595 595 200 48 3400 6
G4 MERV 8 ISO Coarse 75% 595 595 330 42 3400 6
G4 MERV 8 ISO Coarse 75% 595 595 500 38 3400